What benefits can you derive for your business from videos

Well, this may seem like a redundant statement in the times that we are living in today but nevertheless, recognizing the direction the world has taken is always a good exercise for the mind.

If you are a business owner and wondering about the different ways of marketing your product or service online, one look at the trend on social media platforms is enough to tell you what is most popular. With access to information becoming more and more easier, it means that people are now looking at different ways of packaging that information. This is where video marketing neatly fits in.

It has been proven by enough studies that videos are gradually becoming a preferred way of communication for brands and businesses of all sizes. This is naturally because they offer a greater way of engagement and there are more chances of a higher click rate through this. Let us look at some of the reasons why videos are becoming so popular:

Personal Connect
Well, this is definitely one major advantage videos have over written content. Copy doesn’t have the same kind of impact that videos do. Human-to-human connect has been proven to have a far more meaningful impact than written content and a far more personal connection with an audience. A video with a well-designed narrative and an impactful message is more likely to leave an impact on an audience member than a blog/article explaining the same.

Higher Engagement
Video Blogging is slowly replacing the traditional method of blogging and this is mainly because it offers a much more personalized experience than just reading someone else’s perspective. Vlogs provide an entire sensorial experience and a much larger personalized experience than written blogs. It has been said through some research that people are much more likely to retain information in the form of a vlog.

Easy Adaptability
Social media platforms world over have adopted videos as the biggest way of engaging with their audience. This is mainly because videos are an easily adaptable format and you can represent video through different formats, providing almost a cinematic experience for the viewer and listener. This form of sensory engagement is what is bringing in a huge audience who prefer videos. How does this translate into engagement? When you are providing an experience in the form of more than one sense, you are essentially creating an emotional experience for the recipient which automatically opens the doors for more conversations and higher engagement. This then leads to much richer content that is not produced just by a brand but where the audience has an equal stake.

Easy to Use and A viable option
More than anything else, it has huge marketing advantages. Apart from the experience it provides, it is also relatively easy to navigate through and is a cheaper method of communication. Putting different clips together can make for an impactful video that a large number of brands are now engaging in.

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